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Although Entergy New Orleans employees give back to the community in which they live and work all year long, they wanted to give back in a special way during National Volunteer Month by helping those in need. That's why they returned to the Ozanam Inn to serve lunch to homeless men, women and children right here in the Crescent City.
For Entergy crews who've helped restore power in the Northeast, expressions of gratitude have come in many forms — kind words of support, offers of food and water, and thank-you letters and social media posts. But so far, LisaBeth Weber may be the only person who's written a song in their honor.
Armed with gloves, garbage bags and grabbers, Entergy employees and volunteers descended on areas around Lake Pontchartrain Saturday to help clean up and protect some of south Louisiana’s most precious green spaces and waterways.
Louisiana’s newest Grammy Award winner, The Lost Bayou Ramblers, will headline a fun-filled day of activities that help protect the environment at Earth Fest, presented by Entergy at New Orleans’ Audubon Zoo, Saturday, March 24.
Entergy New Orleans' Drew Thompson appreciates the support he received to make a successful transition from high school to college. Thanks to Posse New Orleans, he's returning the favor for a new generation of students.
Whether you take advantage of the extra sunshine to make energy-efficient home improvements, brighten up your garden or simply enjoy some fresh air, now is a good time to brush up on your outdoor safety knowledge.
The proposed New Orleans Power Station has undergone intense scrutiny through 23 public meetings and comprehensive review by experts. It has earned the New Orleans City Council Utility Committee’s support.
Earlier this week, Entergy Corporation’s internal cyber-security monitoring systems detected issues on its corporate network. The issues have been isolated, a remedy has been deployed, and the systems are coming back online.