The innovative educational program that debuted at Hamilton on Broadway will continue in New Orleans on Friday, March 29, when more than 2,600 students and teachers from 41 high schools attend a matinee performance of the musical at the Saenger Theatre. The Hamilton producers are making tickets for this educational partnership available for $70, $60 of which is subsidized in part by a grant from Entergy Corporation.
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Entergy is proud to have partnered with local nonprofits this year as part to ensure a purple, gold and greener Mardi Gras.
Entergy partners with community groups to ensure sustainability of Mardi Gras.
The sought-after throws! The big beads! New cups for the cabinets! That can mean only one thing… Carnival time is here!
Soon, the fragrant smell of magnolia blossoms and other spring flowers will be in the air. While that’s something we look forward to here in the Bayou State, it also comes with the potential for severe weather.
Our goal is to fix it right the first time to eliminate follow-up site visits and to make our equipment more dependable for customers.
As part of the company’s efforts to support regional economic development across Louisiana, Entergy recently awarded $200,000 to Greater New Orleans, Inc.
How are linemen at a power company and linemen on a football team alike? They’re both responsible for powering through the lines – one to electrify the grid and the other to electrify the gridiron.
As the 2019 tax season gets underway, Entergy New Orleans is partnering with United Way of Southeast Louisiana and Total Community Action, Inc. again this year to provide free tax preparation on Super Tax Day.