Entergy New Orleans focuses on helping the city’s homeless population through volunteer support and charitable donations.
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Entergy utilizes every method available to ensure that our grid remains as sound as possible.
Through a process known as sectionalization, Entergy New Orleans is improving distribution grid reliability and reducing the number of customers impacted should an outage occur.
During Tropical Storm Gordon, the threat for damaging weather was high, but Entergy New Orleans was prepared.
We are replacing traditional wooden crossarms with stronger, more durable fiberglass models.
As cooler temperatures roll in, so do shorter days and longer nights.
Employees volunteered in a variety of posts.
Funds raised by the event help Daughters of Charity Services provide vital services at health centers throughout the metro area.
Many kids want to be a part of scouting but can't afford it.
Entergy New Orleans employee receives Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award from Boy Scouts of America Southeast Louisiana Council.
An hour each week helps make a difference in the lives of New Orleans-area high school students.
Entergy’s one-on-one tutoring program helps New Orleans-area high school students prepare for the math portion of the ACT college entrance exam.