Electricity is a safe and reliable form of energy. However, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. The following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family.
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At its peak, the storm caused 10,000 outages throughout the New Orleans area. In addition to Entergy New Orleans’ base restoration crews, we had approximately 150 additional crew members helping to restore power. Assessments include 30 poles down and 12 transformers damaged as a result of the severe weather.
Severe storms came through the Metro New Orleans area early this morning brining heavy rains, lightening and strong winds. At its peak, the storm caused 10,000 outages throughout the New Orleans area. Entergy New Orleans crews and contractors are working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power
As part of our effort to improve and make your life easier, starting soon, your monthly bill will have a new look.
Entergy New Orleans Celebrates Earth Week and Volunteer Month
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the city’s urban canopy, making New Orleans one of the most deforested cities in America. As part of Entergy’s commitment to grow strong, healthy and vibrant communities through service and environmental stewardship, Entergy began partnering with NOLA Tree Project in 2015 to help restore the estimated 100,000 lost trees.
In March, our community partners at Giving Hope honored New Orleans Power Station employees with a Giving Hope plaque in recognition of their work with the Food Pantry of New Orleans.
Entergy was proud to once again sponsor one of New Orleans’ signature fundraising events, the UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, held virtually March 20. Sandra Miller, vice president of customer service for Entergy New Orleans, discussed Entergy's partnership with UNCF for a segment highlighted at the ball.
Entergy volunteers worked with our long-time community partners at Rebuilding Together New Orleans to help build a wheelchair ramp for a couple and provided additional home safety measures for families in New Orleans East.