To inspire young people to help find new solutions to the flooding issues presented by climate change, Entergy sponsored a week-long educational symposium, Loyola Academy Science + Design, hosted by Loyola University.
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Entergy was once again recognized as the most generous workplace by United Way of Southeast Louisiana during their June 23 annual meeting. The company was No. 1 on UWSELA's 2021 Top 10 Most Generous Workplaces list.
Since 2000, Entergy has been engaged in advocating for increased funding and support for early care and education — recognizing the sector as essential infrastructure and economic engine to fuel the future of communities we serve.
Entergy employees from Louisiana and Texas, along with several contract partners, recently volunteered to spread mulch leftover from Entergy’s tree removal and trimming maintenance activities to improve the conditions of the walking trails.
Entergy New Orleans is making investments to ensure a more resilient Orleans Parish.
COVID-19 presented extraordinary challenges for customers and businesses, but our Care Centers took immediate steps to be able to continue partnering with customers offering in-person bill payment and customer service assistance
Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans are currently replacing hundreds of miles of cast iron, bare steel and other vintage gas pipes to modernize the companies’ gas delivery system.
The company’s utility business puts service to its 3 million customers at the top of its priority list. In the process, Entergy’s five operating companies are helping to build a region.
Entergy’s information technology team contributed more than 400 hours of community service, exceeding their #IT100HourChallenge in April.