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News > Grid modernization
Entergy’s Natural Gas Customers Getting New Tools Through Meter Upgrades

Will help build a smarter, more connected energy grid

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News > Communities, Customers
Entergy Louisiana Creates Resource Hubs for Residential, Small Business Customers

Louisiana residents and small business owners now have two virtual hubs for information, tools and opportunities that could provide help during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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News > Communities
Entergy Funding Supports Ochsner Health Care Workers on Frontlines of COVID-19 Response

Entergy is providing funding to support Ochsner Health’s current team of health care workers, as well as those training to join the frontlines of the COVID-19 response.

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News > Communities
Entergy Louisiana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Foundation Fueling the Fight in Northeast Louisiana

Partnership will provide food and funds to those on the frontlines of COVID-19

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News > Communities
Entergy Louisiana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation Send Support to Southwest Louisiana

Partnerships will help provide food and funds to those on the frontlines of COVID-19

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News > Storms
Entergy’s Louisiana Operating Companies Prepared to Respond to Severe Weather

Entergy’s Louisiana utilities are closely monitoring the weather and are prepared to respond to outages should severe weather impact Louisiana Sunday.

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News > Communities
Entergy Louisiana, Baton Rouge Area Foundation Partner to Help Fuel the Fight

Alliance will help provide food and funds to those on the front lines of COVID-19

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News > Customers
Know What’s Below – Call 811 Before Digging

Since April is National Safe Digging Month, Entergy Louisiana is reminding you to call 811 before digging into your spring-cleaning list.

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News > Safety
Entergy Urges Public to Keep their Distance from Utility Workers

Field employees keep the power flowing during this critical time

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