Residential customers to see decrease in bills when plan takes effect
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In a move that will help meet the future energy needs of a growing region, Entergy Corporation announced today that its subsidiaries, Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. and Entergy Texas, Inc. have signed an agreement to acquire the Union Power Station near El Dorado, Arkansas.
In a move that will help meet the energy needs of southeast Texas while keeping costs to customers down, Entergy Texas, Inc. today announced that it has entered into an agreement to purchase a portion of the Union Power Station near El Dorado, Arkansas.
Arkansas Investment in Efficient Modern Unit Will Help Meet Energy Needs
Entergy Mississippi, Inc. has a plan for Mississippi's electric service needs through 2025. To implement that plan, the company has filed its first general rate case in nearly 12 years with the Mississippi Public Service Commission.
Entergy utility customers took a huge step toward saving more than $1 billion Wednesday night when the Entergy utility operating companies completed the integration of their transmission system into the Midcontinent Independent System Operator or MISO, the Carmel, Ind.-based regional transmission organization.