Overnight thunderstorms brought heavy rains, strong winds, and lighting strikes into our service territory causing fallen trees and broken tree limbs resulting in outages and damages to our facilities. A strong restoration effort has taken place today.
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Several rounds of strong winds, lightning and heavy rain moved through the state on Aug. 18, continuing into the early morning hours of Aug. 19, resulting in a peak of 39,000 customer outages.
The Edison Electric Institute recently awarded Entergy with its 49th Emergency Recovery Award, recognizing the dedication and excellence of our power restoration workers. Entergy was specifically recognized for outstanding restoration efforts earlier this year following a severe weather event that traveled a large portion of our service area.
Nearly a year after a deadly EF-3 tornado tore through the Mississippi Delta, and destroyed essential equipment at our Winona Substation, the facility is back in operation.
President and CEO of Entergy Texas, Eliecer Viamontes, addresses Hurricane Beryl storm response.
Casi todos los clientes han sido restablecidos tras los cortes generalizados causados por el Huracán Beryl en el Sureste de Texas
Nearly all customers restored after Hurricane Beryl caused widespread outages across Southeast Texas.
Las cuadrillas avanzan en las zonas más afectadas, restableciendo el servicio a más del 96% de los clientes afectados por el Huracán Beryl
Crews make progress in hard-hit areas, restoring more than 96% of customers impacted by Hurricane Beryl.