Energy Smart, Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency program, piloted an energy apprenticeship program for three individuals to learn the skills needed to join the energy workforce.
Latest Insights
Working with elected officials to support legislation that focuses on the needs of low-income customers is a priority for Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy’s vice president of corporate social responsibility.
Hear from Jason Willis, vice president of power generation for Entergy Texas, to learn more about what the company is doing to protect its power plants and prepare for winter.
Learn how the ENERGY STAR label can help you find appliances and equipment that provide efficient performance.
U.S. Department of Labor recognizes Entergy’s commitment to recruiting and retaining veterans.
Outdoor lighting does more than transform the look of your property. It allows you to enjoy family time and protect what's important.
Receiving customer and community input is important when it comes to operating a complex business like Entergy New Orleans. It requires industry knowledge, skill, and perhaps equally important, unvarnished advice from other experienced New Orleans business and community leaders.
Entergy Arkansas is proud to be a Champion for ALICE, which are those who are Asset-Limited Income-Constrained Employed – working men and women who have a difficult time making ends meet. ALICE could be our neighbors, friends, family or even co-workers.