Annual effort helps ensure and improve electric service reliability.
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New substation, new transmission lines support growth in area
Entergy Arkansas customers in Corning will experience improvements in the reliability and quality of their electric service as a result of $104,656 in maintenance and upgrades completed recently.
Entergy Texas files to expand successful pilot program to power critical customers and benefit communities
Entergy Arkansas customers in and near Riverbend Park in Hardy will soon experience improvements in the quality and reliability of their electric service.
Entergy Mississippi’s $31-million reliability project is underway to upgrade Hinds County customers to a technologically-advanced system with increased capacity and reliability.
Entergy Louisiana customers in Southwest Louisiana are now being served by a stronger, more resilient grid with the completion of a nearly $100 million project.
Improvements will modernize and upgrade infrastructure.
Entergy Louisiana and Cleco customers are being served by a stronger, more resilient electric grid. The companies have completed the construction of a new 36-mile, storm-hardened transmission line that will strengthen service reliability for customers across southeast Louisiana.