To minimize the financial impact of a major storm restoration on customers and provide a ready source of cash to pay for storm costs, Entergy New Orleans has fully funded its storm reserve through the issuance of low-interest, securitized bonds.
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Beginning Thursday, Aug. 6 and running through Wednesday, Aug. 12, weather permitting, Entergy New Orleans, Inc. crews will be working on Arabella Street, from Constance to Annunciation streets, as the company continues the technological upgrade to its electric power transmission system.
Beginning Thursday, July 30 and running through Wednesday, August 5, weather permitting, Entergy New Orleans, Inc. crews will be working on Patton Street, from Henry Clay to Joseph streets, as the company continues the technological upgrade to its electric power transmission system.
Beginning Tuesday, July 28 and running through Friday, July 31, weather permitting, Entergy New Orleans, Inc. crews will be working on Webster Street, from Camp to Laurel streets as the company continues the technological upgrade to its electric power transmission system.
Together with other parties, Entergy Texas, Inc. filed a motion today with the Public Utility Commission of Texas to dismiss the company's application requesting a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for one of the four 495 MW generating units at the Union Power Station near El Dorado, Arkansas.
Of the more than $930,000 in grants recently awarded by the Entergy Charitable Foundation, New Orleans-area groups received some $284,000 to help the local community.
On Monday, July 13, Entergy New Orleans will begin technological upgrades to the electric power transmission system along the base of the levee at Monroe Street and Leake Avenue.
NEW ORLEANS – The mercury is beginning its climb up the thermometer, and you can bet it will be a long time before it begins to retreat. Don’t let your electric bills climb with it. By taking steps to be more energy efficient, your air conditioner will run less and that, in turn, will help keep your electricity bill down.
New Orleans will be positioned for continued economic growth and development when Entergy New Orleans, Inc. begins a $30 million technological upgrade to its electric power transmission system this summer.