The company was recognized by the Department of Energy for its outstanding efforts and partnership with residential customers through its Home Performance with the ENERGY STAR Program
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Sheridan School District recently received incentive checks totaling $148,000 from the Entergy Arkansas Entergy Solutions Program.
Don’t let Old Man Winter take a bite out of your wallet. Now is the time to implement some helpful energy-saving tips so you can keep the cash in your wallet while keeping the cold outside where it belongs.
Don’t let Old Man Winter take a bite out of your wallet. Now is the time to implement some helpful energy-saving tips so you can keep the cash in your wallet while keeping the cold outside where it belongs.
Entergy Texas offers tips to help manage cold-weather bills
High electric bills can be frightening, but with a little care and attention, they don’t have to be. So, while you’re carving pumpkins and trying on costumes this Halloween season, use these simple tricks to slash your energy usage...
High electric bills can be frightening, but with a little care and attention, they don’t have to be.
Customers who volunteered for Entergy Solutions programs through Entergy Arkansas saw big savings. According to the latest report on energy efficiency filed with the Arkansas Public Service Commission, in 2018, Entergy Arkansas invested in energy efficiency projects that will save customers almost 256 million kWh annually.
Trying to keep your cool in the dog days of summer can take a chunk of change out of your pocketbook.