The annual event raised a total of $118,000, which will go toward helping senior customers and customers with disabilities.
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In 2022, Entergy Mississippi helped secure $808 million in capital investments and create nearly 1,050 new jobs within Mississippi.
The company awarded MCFB a $65,000 grant to help support six mobile market food distributions.
The sale will support the customer-centric capital needs of Entergy’s growing electric utility business.
The upgrades to power lines will help minimize outages and improve service reliability.
As fun and gratifying as these activities can be, no one wants them to result in an accident or injury. Entergy Mississippi has some helpful tips for staying safe throughout the season.
Survivors of the tornadoes that devastated the Mississippi Delta in March can receive free legal help from Entergy employees. Trained employee volunteers are available to help homeowners and renters in Carroll, Humphreys and Sharkey counties file Federal Emergency Management Agency appeals.
Company’s proposal aims to provide high levels of service that is affordable and holds it accountable to customers
Entergy Texas encourages customers to stay informed on ways to manage their monthly bill during the summer heat.