Entergy Arkansas is launching “Kids to College,” a my529 child savings account program to help families plan and save for their children’s higher education.
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La compañía donará fondos para igualar los de familias elegibles
The company will donate matching funds for eligible families
National award recognizes excellence in promoting nuclear science in the community
Women in Nuclear’s book drive and volunteer day successful
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 600 employee volunteers from leading Louisiana companies gathered at sites across the state to pack meals for local food banks.
Students tour station to learn about nuclear power, energy careers
Entergy Mississippi, LLC has kicked off a new child savings account program at the Children’s Foundation of Mississippi Summit.
Volunteers from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, Healthy Blue and Entergy will pack 200,000 meals at a series of events benefitting Louisiana food banks in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is a National Day of Service.