Entergy Arkansas leaders past and present gathered with state and county officials to mark the 100th anniversary of Remmel Dam. The first dam constructed on the Ouachita River, Remmel Dam has been providing safe and reliable hydroelectric power to the state of Arkansas for the last century.
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Entergy Arkansas has partnered with The Arkansas STEM Coalition to provide eclipse glasses for free to all PreK-12 public school students, teachers and staff across the state, as much of Arkansas will experience a total eclipse Monday, April 8.
A once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse will take place over Arkansas Monday, April 8, in the early afternoon, and Entergy Arkansas is encouraging customers to be prepared.
The National Weather Service has designated the week of February 25 - March 2 as Arkansas' Severe Weather Awareness Week. Entergy Arkansas hopes this annual event will increase public awareness about the dangers of severe weather and encourage people to take steps to protect themselves and their property.
Little Rock's Super Tax Day event will be held Saturday, Feb. 10 at Our House.
Volunteers from Entergy Arkansas and the Little Rock Firefighters Union 34 delivered more than 800 coats to elementary school students in the Little Rock School District this week.
In honor of the company's 110th anniversary, Entergy Arkansas has announced the "Arkansas Bright Futures" campaign. Six statewide nonprofits will each receive a $110,000 grant to enhance their efforts to help customers.
Entergy Arkansas is investing in the lives of their customers by providing funding for a major workforce development initiative in northeast Arkansas.
Entergy Arkansas is excited to partner with local agencies to help customers as they get ready for back to school.