The Entergy Charitable Foundation recently awarded more than $930,000 in grants to boost education, expand environmental programs, promote more cultural activities and help create poverty solutions in communities served by Entergy.
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The Entergy Charitable Foundation has completed its first cycle of grant awards, giving some $78,000 in grants to Southeast Texas charitable agencies.
Together with other parties, Entergy Texas, Inc. filed a motion today with the Public Utility Commission of Texas to dismiss the company's application requesting a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for one of the four 495 MW generating units at the Union Power Station near El Dorado, Arkansas.
Nine community organizations working to boost education, expand environmental programs, promote cultural activities or help create poverty solutions in communities served by Entergy Mississippi, Inc. have been awarded some $43,500 in grants from the Entergy Charitable Foundation.
Triple-digit temperatures have returned to Arkansas, but don't let your electric bills climb along with the mercury. By taking steps to be more energy-efficient, your air conditioner will run less which will help keep your electricity bill down.
Indian Point’s Unit 3 nuclear power plant returned to service this afternoon, generating electricity a day after control room operators safely and manually shut down the unit after observing fluctuating water levels inside a steam generator.
Control room operators manually and safely shut down Indian Point unit 3 today upon observing fluctuating water levels inside a steam generator.
The summer heat is on and Entergy Texas, Inc. wants to help low-income customers stay cool through its annual "Beat the Heat" program.
The summer heat is on and Entergy Texas, Inc. wants to help low-income customers stay cool through its annual "Beat the Heat" program.