Entergy Mississippi, Inc. has taken another step toward modernizing the electric grid and building the utility of the future. The company intends to purchase the Choctaw Energy Facility, a modern power plant in French Camp, Mississippi, subject to regulatory approval.
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Even before the clouds passed, the rain ended and the final power outage was restored, Entergy employees came together to plan. First, Entergy worked to help customers and employees rebuild stronger communities. Entergy employees also worked to rebuild a stronger electric system. In the past year, Entergy Texas has taken steps to protect electric infrastructure, and improve restoration efforts following extreme weather.
Natural gas-fired plant upgrades fleet, benefits customers and environment
Entergy Louisiana has signed a long-term agreement to power the expanding Shintech Louisiana, LLC manufacturing complex in Iberville Parish.
Entergy Louisiana provided a $180,000 grant to the Baton Rouge Area Chamber as part of the company’s efforts to support regional economic development across the state.
The ‘brain of the electric grid’ marks another milestone in building the utility of the future.
Winners share some $75,000 to develop, market sites.
Entergy Louisiana has signed a 10-year agreement with Yuhuang Chemical Inc. (YCI) to supply power to YCI’s new methanol facility in St. James Parish.
The New Orleans City Council voted today to approve construction of the New Orleans Power Station, a 128-megawatt unit composed of seven natural gas-fired reciprocating engines. This modern, efficient electric generating facility will support reliable service and essential grid stability, and help to support the inclusion of renewables into the company’s resource portfolio.