Entergy Corporation reported fourth quarter 2021 earnings per share of $1.28 on an as-reported basis and earnings per share of 76 cents on an adjusted basis (non-GAAP). For the full year, the company reported 2021 earnings per share of $5.54 on an as-reported basis and $6.02 on an adjusted basis.
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We invite you to listen to a live webcast of our 2021 financial results at 10 a.m. Central time Wednesday, Feb. 23.
Entergy today revealed its new corporate brand and a refreshed logo. The introduction of the new brand reflects our aspiration to become the premier electric utility and deliver a cleaner, brighter and more sustainable future for everyone.
The Entergy Corporation board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend payment of $1.01 per share on the company’s common stock.
Entergy Corporation is working closely with its customers across its entire service region, and recent announcements by major industrial companies have illustrated how clean and affordable electricity drives economic growth and increased investment in our communities.
The board of directors of Entergy Texas, Inc. has declared a quarterly dividend payment of $0.3359375 per share of preferred stock.
Entergy Corporation, a leading electric utility of the Gulf South region, is included among the finalists in the prestigious 23rd annual S&P Global Platts Global Energy Awards, including the Award for Excellence in Power and CEO of the Year. The 2021 Finalists were announced recently by program host S&P Global Platts, the leading global provider of energy and commodities information and spot market benchmarks.
Company to add 1,000 MW of solar and other renewable energy; plan draws praise from governor, state’s public service commissioners
Entergy Corporation reported third quarter 2021 earnings per share of $2.63 on an as-reported basis and earnings per share of $2.45 on an adjusted basis (non-GAAP).