On March 12-13, Entergy representatives and community partners are visiting Washington, D.C., during LIHEAP Action Days to meet in person with our congressional delegates and ask for better funding.
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The proposed New Orleans Power Station has undergone intense scrutiny through 23 public meetings and comprehensive review by experts. It has earned the New Orleans City Council Utility Committee’s support.
"At Entergy, we value our people. We take great responsibility in the work that we do and the product that we offer our customers, and we understand how important it is that we provide safe and reliable electricity."
Melody Gibson is a radiation protection supervisor at Arkansas Nuclear One in Russellville, Arkansas. She’s been part of the Entergy family for four years.
There are two lucky dogs living near Emerson, Arkansas. They’re lucky Magnolia Serviceman Phillip Knapp was on the job mid-morning Feb. 22 investigating power outages on Highway 79 just after a thunderstorm passed through.
January 25, 2018 marked a historic day for the Mississippi Delta and for Entergy Mississippi. Early that morning, Entergy imploded the Delta Steam Electric Station. This generating plant in Cleveland had served our customers for more than half a century.
As the 2018 Super Tax Day campaign winds down, Entergy wants to make sure qualifying residents in Louisiana are aware of upcoming events where they can receive free tax preparation services.
Late in 2017, Entergy and Utility Communication Architecture International hosted the first North American plug fest, a transmission system integration conference, in New Orleans.
"My power principle is to treat everyone exactly the same as I would want my children to be treated."