The America’s WETLAND Foundation, along with Entergy, recently kicked off its Sea Safe Community Certification initiative in Cameron, Louisiana.
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This year's Entergy emergency preparedness team responded to simulated cyber-attacks on operations systems, coordinated physical attacks on transmission infrastructure and power generation facilities, and an active shooter situation.
A new Entergy program that helps customers save money while reducing their impact on the environment recently earned an award for innovation.
"What I enjoy most about working at Palisades is the people. As a team, we work hard, respect one another, hold each other accountable, and, most importantly, we offer support and help to our colleagues when needed."
Happy holidays! Let’s keep them that way by following a few important safety tips.
Trees can bring beauty to your landscaping plan and will cool your home in the summer and keep winter winds away. Fall is considered the perfect time to plant a tree, but do you know what trees to plant if you have power lines near your home?
What may have been an upsetting loss for New Orleans Saints fans turned out to be a weekend to remember for senior lineman Wayne Kamm who was recognized as Entergy’s Lineman of the Game during the Saints v. Atlanta Falcons match-up.
"As nuclear professionals, everyone at Palisades has a high level of integrity. My advice to other women considering applying to Palisades is to do just that, apply. We offer plenty of training and support."
Did you know that as much as 15% of the energy in the average American home is used in the kitchen? Whether or not you're hosting this Thanksgiving, check out our three top tips to ensure you're conserving energy in the kitchen.