Insights > Entergy Arkansas industrial customer plays a significant role in the economy of South Arkansas
Entergy Arkansas industrial customer plays a significant role in the economy of South Arkansas

Entergy Arkansas provides electricity to approximately 730,000 customers in 63 counties. This year, we are featuring some of our key industrial and commercial customers by giving a more in-depth view of their business and how we power their business. The first company we will feature is LANXESS.
LANXESS is a global leading specialty chemicals company with 475 Arkansas-based employees across three facilities in El Dorado. The company acquired three facilities in 2017 and has been in its current location for six years. The site is the company's largest in North America and has the distinction of being the first U.S. commercial bromine plant. The plant originated as a joint venture between Michigan Chemical and Murphy Oil to explore commercialization of oil production waste brine, which is rich in bromide salts used to make bromine.
The company makes elemental bromine that is used in a variety of flame retardants for electronics and other brominated products dealing with pharmaceuticals, food preservation, road treatments and photography.
LANXESS also plays a big role in the El Dorado community. Since 2017, the El Dorado team has provided more than $300,000 to Union County schools specifically for STEM education. Site representatives are embedded in several area community-focused, educational and non-profit organizations.
"Having reliable and sufficient power is critical to the way we operate – not only from a production standpoint, but also to best keep our employees, contractors, and neighbors safe," Kevin Hazen, plant manager for LANXESS. "We appreciate Entergy's ability to provide multiple and renewable sources that safely and predictably power our facility, knowing that the Entergy team shares our goal to be energy-efficient while reducing power-related emissions whenever possible."
LANXESS is an important customer that has a significant impact on the economy of South Arkansas.
"Reliable service, affordable rates, and a clean generation portfolio with an increasing percentage of renewables are all very important factors in ensuring that operations are successful," said Russell Harris, account manager for Entergy Arkansas. "LANXESS wouldn't have a positive customer experience without the hard work and coordinated team effort on the part of multiple internal groups."
To learn more about the company, visit