Our restoration team is ready to restore service in affected areas.
The company encourages southeast Texas to be storm ready.
We want you to be prepared, too.
Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana are monitoring and planning for the potential impacts from a tropical disturbance that is expected to travel across the Gulf of Mexico in the coming days.
The Edison Electric Institute announced Entergy Corporation as a recipient of EEI’s Emergency Response Award for its recovery efforts following hurricanes Delta and Zeta in 2020, and the February 2021 winter storm.
Entergy’s restoration workforce supported its communities through one of the most active hurricane seasons in history in 2020. We are ready to respond again if needed during what forecasters predict will be another active season.
At its peak, the storm caused 10,000 outages throughout the New Orleans area. In addition to Entergy New Orleans’ base restoration crews, we had approximately 150 additional crew members helping to restore power. Assessments include 30 poles down and 12 transformers damaged as a result of the severe weather.
Severe storms came through the Metro New Orleans area early this morning brining heavy rains, lightening and strong winds. At its peak, the storm caused 10,000 outages throughout the New Orleans area. Entergy New Orleans crews and contractors are working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power