News Release > Entergy New Orleans announces Super Tax Day event for customers, offering free tax assistance
Entergy New Orleans announces Super Tax Day event for customers, offering free tax assistance

Entergy New Orleans will sponsor a Super Tax Day event this Saturday, February 24, 2024, offering free tax preparation and support for qualified customers. Entergy customers can receive assistance from IRS-certified volunteers, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free income tax filing experience.
"Our Super Tax Day events are an important part of our commitment to supporting our customers and communities," said Nyka Scott, Entergy New Orleans vice president of customer service. "We understand that tax season can be a challenging time of year for many of our customers. So, we want to make sure they have access to the resources and assistance they need to navigate the process successfully."
During the Super Tax Day event, customers will also be able to access valuable resources and information on tax credits and deductions they may be eligible for, including the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. The Earned Income Tax Credit is one of the nation’s most effective means of lifting Americans out of poverty. Entergy’s tax preparation volunteers will help customers determine if they are eligible for this and other tax credits, maximizing their tax refunds.
In addition to tax preparation, customers will also receive information on how to sign-up for Kids to College, a free child savings account powered by Entergy. When families sign their child up for an account through the Kids to College program, Entergy will contribute $50 and will match any savings in the account up to $365 this year.
Customers unable to attend an event in their area can still receive free, in-person tax preparation services by scheduling an appointment at one of the Entergy-sponsored Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites, or VITA, through April 15.
Entergy New Orleans’ upcoming Super Tax Day date, time and location is as follows:
Saturday, Feb. 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., University of Holy Cross, 4123 Woodland Drive, New Orleans, LA 70131
For more than 15 years, Entergy has provided free tax preparation for low-to-moderate income customers at VITA sites throughout the Entergy region, including locations across New Orleans.