Insights > Trees and power lines don't always mix
Trees and power lines don't always mix

Trees add beauty to any landscape, but they have some impressive practical benefits as well. They clean the air, reduce carbon dioxide and (when positioned correctly) provide protection from wind and sun, reducing heating and cooling costs. If a tree grows too close to a power line, however, it can cause power outages and become a life-threatening danger.
A growing problem
Trees can be a contributing factor to as many as 50% of power outages. Problems can occur suddenly, such as when a branch breaks during a wind or ice storm. Issues can also develop over time through natural growth patterns, with growing branches crowding or rubbing against power lines.
Trees located near power lines represent a real threat to children who may be tempted to climb them, or to homeowners attempting to tackle a tree-trimming job on their own. Limbs and branches that come into contact with power lines may themselves become energized.
Trimming back
To improve safety and reduce the risk of power outages, Entergy maintains a vigilant program of tree trimming. We trim trees only when necessary, and we go to extra effort to preserve the health of the trees to the degree possible. To do this, we follow specifications developed by the International Society of Arboriculture. In addition, the Arbor Day Foundation has repeatedly named Entergy a Tree Line USA utility as a result of our commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care in our service area.
Directional pruning techniques guide new growth away from power lines. Limbs or portions of limbs growing near power lines are trimmed back to the main branch or trunk, where they would naturally shed if the limbs died from natural causes. This preserves the natural defense system of the tree and minimizes impact on the crown. In some situations, an entire tree is removed. This may be because the tree is leaning toward a power line or it has a structural defect that increases its risk of falling.
Right place, right tree
Adding trees to your landscape? Carefully consider different tree species and how they may affect power lines on your grounds. No tree should be planted near high-voltage transmission lines. Some species, however, normally grow to a mature height of 20 feet or less. These include:
- Crabapple
- Flowering Dogwood
- Hawthorne
- Bristlecone Pine
- Common Juniper
- Trident, Amur, Paperback and Tartarian Maples
- Rose Acacia
These species can typically provide an attractive addition to your landscape without interfering with distribution lines. The following species, however, grow particularly tall and should be planted no closer than 60 feet from distribution lines:
- Oak
- Colorado Blue Spruce
- Silver and Norway Maples
- Most pine species
If you're planning a landscape project, overhead power lines are not your only concern. Knowing where utility lines are buried can help you avoid injury, service outages and costly repairs. Call 811 to have underground lines marked before you dig.
If you see a tree or branch that looks dangerously close to the power lines (pole-to-pole), you can call 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) and report it. A representative of Entergy will assess the situation and advise what needs to be done.
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