Insights > Entergy Announces New Plant Leadership at River Bend Station
Entergy Announces New Plant Leadership at River Bend Station

ST. FRANCISVILLE, La. - Entergy Corporation has announced that Kent Scott, current general manager of plant operations at River Bend Station, has assumed the site vice president's role, replacing Steve Vercelli who retired after 35 years in the industry. Scott reports to Kimberly Cook-Nelson, chief operating officer, nuclear operations.
Bonnie Bryant, general manager at Indian Point Energy Center, becomes the River Bend general manager, reporting to Scott.
"Kent and Bonnie are well positioned to lead the River Bend team as the site continues producing safe, reliable and carbon-free energy for the communities it serves,” Cook-Nelson said. “We thank Steve for his many years and significant contributions. We wish he and his family all the best.”
Scott joined Entergy as the River Bend general manager in 2018, responsible for leading operations, work management, production, site projects, maintenance, radiation protection and chemistry at the station. Previously, Scott served as site director at Xcel Energy's Monticello Station, where he provided direct oversight of the organization. Before joining Xcel, Scott worked for DTE Energy's Fermi 2 in various roles, including nuclear work management director, plant manager, nuclear organizational effectiveness director, engineering senior manager, maintenance manager and operations manager. He also worked at Exelon's Clinton Power Station in engineering, maintenance and operations. While at Clinton, he received a license as a senior reactor operator. Scott has an electrical engineering degree from the University of Missouri - Rolla and a master's from Illinois State University.
Bryant joined Entergy in 2019 as the senior manager of fleet operations before transitioning to the GMPO role at Indian Point in 2020. After graduating with a chemistry degree at Siena College, Bryant began her nuclear career in New Hampshire nearly 30 years ago. Before joining Entergy, she worked at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, serving in the chemistry, operations and work management organizations. She has worked as a plant chemist, regulatory programs analyst, senior reactor operator (including shift operations and operations management), an INPO loanee and operations evaluator, and in reactor services project management and work management. Bryant also has a master's in business administration from Southern New Hampshire University.
Entergy Nuclear owns, operates, supports and provides management services to a national fleet of seven reactors in six locations, generating approximately 7,000 megawatts of zero-carbon nuclear power. With approximately 6,000 nuclear employees in multiple states, Entergy is also recognized globally as a provider of nuclear services to companies in the U.S. and worldwide.